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NExT Smart Solutions is an avant-garde proposal that merge advanced digital storytelling with intelligent tourism solutions to create unforgettable experiences. At Súbito Red, the art of storytelling is essential: we identify what story to tell, where and how to make it, and we use or develop the necessary resources for each unique and innovative project.


Our philosophy focuses on continuous improvement and innovation: if something already exists, we look for ways to improve it; If it does not yet exist, we will we will find a way to create it.
We accompany our clients from the conception to the implementation and maintenance of each project, ensuring an unparalleled experience.”

What do we do?

Smart tourism consulting

We offer specialized consulting on storytelling and smart digital resources to enrich tourist destinations, including:

– Interpretation master plans and cultural tourism programs that highlight the heritage and identity of each destination.

– Transmedia museography projects that integrate various platforms and media to tell stories with immersive experiences.


We develop turnkey smart touristic solutions, such as:

– Intelligent visit planners and geolocated self-guided circuits, enriched with augmented or mixed reality, 360° videos, stereoscopic 3D and virtual reconstructions.

– Intelligent chatbots that offer omnichannel, multimedia, multilanguage and accessible assistance to visitors.


We implement projects for smart offices, including:

– Interior design and intelligent furniture that integrates into the environment.

– Interactive multimedia equipment for a richer and more participatory tourist experience.

We carry out the comprehensive design of multimedia visitor or interpretation centers, adapting to existing structures or developing new architectural projects.


At Súbito Red we are specialized in the conception, production and management of museographic projects, especially linked to the environment of historical heritage buildings, with more than 30 years of international experience.

The company has a unique profile in this area with a great technical background in all the tasks related to the development of this type of projects, with a deep knowledge of all the difficulties of inventory, conservation, and restoration of collections and a great development capacity of specific solutions for the definition of appropriate exhibition resources to the objectives proposed in the corresponding museological programs.

For years, Súbito Red’s work has been based on research into technologies and innovative user interfaces that allow the creation of contextualization tools for pieces and collections that adapt to (and generate) new audiences.

About us

SÚBITO RED DESARROLLOS, with more than 30 years of experience, is a laboratory of ideas dedicated to reinventing the way of telling stories through transmedia proposals, creatively using new technologies. From our studio in Madrid and our office in Montevideo, we have collaborated with a wide range of actors in the cultural and tourism sector, including governments, companies and civil organizations in Uruguay and other countries in the region.

Our approach is based on deeply understanding the objectives and needs of our clients to define unique value propositions for each place or destination. We use transmedia tools to interpret and communicate these proposals, effectively “selling” the destination to target audiences.

At SÚBITO RED DESARROLLOS, we believe that innovation and technology are the key to transforming the tourist experience, making it more accessible, educational and immersive. We are committed to promoting culture and heritage through smart digital solutions that not only attract visitors, but also enrich their experience, contributing to collective well-being and local economic development.

SUBITO RED ha contribuido a la nominación con el desarrollo de dos de los programas finalistas, la aplicación de realidad aumentada Descubrí Montevideo Plus y la oficina de Turismo Inteligente. Además, ha desarrollado el planificador inteligente de visitas y los circuitos autoguiados Mirada Benedetti, China Zorrilla (“Me divierte estar viva”) y Latido Afro, Barrios Sur y Palermo.


“SUBITO RED DESARROLLOS lidera la implementación de procesos digitales para una gestión turística inteligente, marcando pauta en la transformación digital y beneficiándose de valiosas experiencias a nivel internacional.

Con una trayectoria sólida, SUBITO RED DESARROLLOS ha dejado su huella en diversos proyectos, destacándose su contribución al reconocimiento de Montevideo como Destino Inteligente en la prestigiosa Feria Iberoamericana de Curitiba.

La empresa sobresale por su dominio en el uso de plataformas tanto para el desarrollo de proyectos como para su propia gestión interna, demostrando un enfoque estratégico y efectivo en cada etapa del proceso.

SUBITO RED DESARROLLOS entiende la importancia del storytelling en la presentación de productos turísticos, ofreciendo contenidos cautivadores, accesibles y centrados en el usuario final. La capacidad de transformación tecnológica es clave en el camino hacia el turismo del presente y del futuro.”

Texto del jurado del premio

SUBITO RED ha contribuido a la nominación con el desarrollo de dos de los programas finalistas, la aplicación de realidad aumentada Descubrí Montevideo Plus y la oficina de Turismo Inteligente. Además, ha desarrollado el planificador inteligente de visitas y los circuitos autoguiados Mirada Benedetti, China Zorrilla (“Me divierte estar viva”) y Latido Afro, Barrios Sur y Palermo.

Plataforma de turismo inteligente Del Camino. Ganador del Smart Challange convocado por el BID y la Organización Mundial del Turismo para proyectos innovadores aplicados al Camino de los Jesuitas en Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Bolivia y Uruguay.

Premio Travellers’ Choice 2020 de Tripadvisor al castillo de Pittamiglio y el museo interactivo Universo Pittamiglio.